Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I've reached the point in my journey where people have started viewing me as "successful".  Its not uncommon now for me to be told by someone that I inspire them.  That they stayed on the treadmill when they wanted to quit, that they're beginning to make changes in their diet.  It always excites me, and I'm so thrilled for them.  Let me be perfectly transparent, though.  I don't feel like a success.  I'm still fighting to drop another 30 pounds.  There are so many days when I don't want to get off my couch and exercise.  Days when my runs feel like epic failures.  I guess in my view, a person who is inspiring hits their goal without setbacks, wants to go run instead of doing it even though they don't, never falls off the wagon. That's probably not the case at all.  It just looks that way from the outside.  In essence, being told I've inspired someone inspires me.  It makes me want to do better and to do more.  As much as I don't want to fail myself, I want even less to fail someone one else.  So it turns out being someone's inspiration is a big responsibility.  Thanks for making me want to keep going.  I'm not quitting on me, and I'm sure not quitting on the people looking at my story with hope for their own.  Just keep  moving forward!

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