Yogitoes is today's Friday Fave! If you do hot yoga, you know you need to have a towel on your mat unless you want to slip and slide all over. I love Yogitoes mats. There are lots of brands on the market, some better than others. Yogitoes run around $65 on the company's website. Sometimes you can find them for $40-$50 on Amazon. I actually got mine for around $45 on Target.com, but they do not currently have them. I know this sounds like a lot for a towel, and if you haven't tried hot yoga yet, or don't know how you feel about it, I wouldn't suggest investing right away. A beach towel will suffice for your first couple of classes. What makes Yogitoes great? First, they are super absorbent, which is their obvious purpose. They have little nonskid nubs on the back to keep it from slipping on your mat or the floor. My towel is light and easily portable. My sister actually uses hers as a travel mat when she stays in hotels. Yogitoes also strives to be socially responsible by using recycled materials and environmentally friendly dyes. They also come in really pretty colors :) Other yoga accessories are offered as well. I, personally, also love their headbands. They are inexpensive, can be worn wide or folded thinner. They are soft and stretchy and stay in place. I've used mine for running as well. If you are committed to a hot yoga practice, these towels are for you!
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