I'm not sure if all of you have seen the blog post that has gone viral titled "To the fatty running on the Westview track this afternoon". I'm not providing a link, but its easy to find. I don't care for some of the language in it or even the term "fatty" which is why I'm not sharing it directly. I do; however, love the gist of the post. Essentially, the author is addressing a woman on the track who is much heavier and is struggling with each step, never making eye contact with the fitter more experienced runner. Saying that there is no need to be ashamed that you're heavier, but should be proud of the effort your making. I've found this to be true folks. The fitter more athletic people out there aren't condemning those of us starting later. Most of them are cheering us on and respecting our efforts. We all started somewhere. Some of us just took longer to catch on. I've joined a mom's running group, and you wouldn't believe how supportive the more experienced runners are of those of us just starting out. Don't be afraid to meet the eyes of the people around you when you're out there, and don't be afraid to encourage someone else either. We can all use it. Just look up!
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