Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The right thing at the right time

I'm sure any of you who have, at any point, tried to or succeeded at losing weight know there are days of frustration that come with the process. I've been having some of those days of frustration lately. Sometimes, I'm tired of having to be so careful about what I eat, sometimes I just don't want to get off the couch and run. Sometimes, I'm just plain tired. I've been tired recently. It starts to make you wonder why you're doing this at all. Obviously, I can look in the mirror or my closet and see why I'm doing this. I can appreciate the fact that I'm able to run at all is it's own reason for doing this, but hard as it is to imagine, its easier to forget than you might think.

My first "right thing" this week came as a result of Sunday's church message. Which you should definitely check out here. At any rate, the point of the message was about pursuing holiness in marriage, and one of the major points was that husbands should pursue their wives. He instructed the men to go out Monday and buy flowers for their wives. My husband, knowing I've been looking into a small camelbak for my longer runs that are coming up, surprised me with one of them instead of flowers yesterday afternoon. Totally made my day. It said to me that he believes I can take on those long runs even when I'm sometimes not so sure.

My second right thing happened last evening. I'm participating in a weight loss challenge put on by one of our local personal trainers, and I go to a workout class there every Tuesday night. Last night, I was having one of those "I still see the fat girl" kind of nights. Which was a little strange, because I was feeling good going in and weighed in with a good loss, but while working out in front of the mirror, all I could see was all the things that are still not where I want them to be. As I was leaving, as I was walking out with one of the other girls, she mentioned that she had squeezed her car in kind of close to mine, but felt like it was ok because she was parked next to someone skinny. I, of course, scoffed at the suggestion that I was skinny, and she made eye contact with me and said hey, you have to know that when I met you (we met during this program), I never saw you as someone who was fat and lost a lot of weight (she has since seen my before pictures). She said I had never looked that way to her, and even though she knows I still see the fat girl, that's not who other people see. Wow! If there hadn't been a car between us, I think I would have hugged her on the spot. I just have to believe that the Holy Spirit gave her those words. They were so exactly what I needed to hear.

Don't get my wrong, I'm still tired today,(Have I ever mentioned how much I hate time change?), but my hope is renewed, and I feel like I can keep going. There are still going to be some difficult days, and this week may be a bit tough. We'll be going out for both my husband's birthday and our 18 year anniversary this week, so there will be a couple of blips in my diet. Its ok though. I'm not going to stop celebrating the good things in life. It took a lot more than 2 meals to put me at that previous 243 lbs, and 2 meals won't put me back there.

I think my real point here, though, is that God is so good. He knew exactly what I needed and gave it to me exactly when I needed it. How great is that?

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